Thursday, 2 August 2012

Back from the burnout

Ever few months I go through an alternating cycle of being really excited about painting tiny spacemen and not wanting to ever touch a paintbrush ever again.  After failing June's oath, I took July off to do things that didn't involve being hunched over a desk.

He's coming right at us!

But now I've got the itch to paint again! So I'm starting off with the lovely individual above, a Chaos Marine Lord, one a member of the Emperor's Children but now the leader of his own warband.

Built mostly from Blood Angel Sanguinary Guard parts, I attempted to build the claw part of the Legion's symbol out of greenstuff.  Which.. kinda worked?  I am not a great sculptor.  I also trimmed down his halo till it was just spikes at the cardinal points, like a half-star of Chaos.

I also smoothed over his kneepads and added a skull detail to one.  I actually regret not using legs from the Khorn Berzerker sprue, as lack of seperate kneepads is a signiature design element of the Traitor Legions.

The knee-skull and loincloth are both from the truely excellent Chaos Terminator Lord kit, probably the best plastic kit Games Workshop have ever put out.  Seriously, everyone should own this kit, not only is it an excellent sculpt, it comes with a million different options and bits.

The left shoulderpad with the wing icon is from the Khorne Berserker sprue, while the right is a plastic Slaanesh icon pad that I am not sure about the source of.  The two handed powersword is from the Sanguinary Guard sprue again, but I had to attach the hand and sword to a different arm to get the pose I wanted.

The backpack is from the Possessed Chaos Marine sprue.  It's raised heat-sinks and added detail make him more imposing and interesting than he would have been with just a normal Legionairre's backpack.

As you can see from the pictures, the paint-job is pretty rudimentary at the moment.  After a white spray undercoat, I put down a black base coat on all the areas that were going to be gold, as well as the armor joins and loincloth (which will be a blue-black).  The metallic areas were given a heavy drybrushing of Tin Bitz, then Dwarf Bronze.  After all the gold and black is done, I'll go over any spill-over areas with white again, before painting the armor a light bone color.

With only one model to paint this month, I should be able to ease back into things without immediately burning out - though  I'm already eyeing a few Infinity models that are outside my usual orange color scheme...

1 comment:

  1. That looks really cool. I totally get the burn out thing, I just ride the mood as it takes me. Gonna make a start on the Butcher warcaster over the weekend after my break!
