Monday, 20 August 2012

Chaos Lord WIP2

Got a bit of painting done on the weekend, in between a trip to the museum to see inside-out animals, and attempting to survive a heatwave in a top-floor flat with no air conditioning or airflow to speak of.

Increasing layers of highlights from left to right.

Starting with the Screaming Skull basecoat, I liberally applied extremely watered-down Balor Brown to the recesses and shadowed areas, not worrying much about overspill.  To bring out the detail further, I applied a more careful Devlan Mud wash to armour seams and carvings.

I then mixed some Screaming Skull with Balor Brown to blend in the shading more, then pure Screaming Skull, then increasing amounts of White Scar, paying more attention to raised areas and armour plate edges.

It's all still a bit messy at this stage, I need to apply the final White Scar highlights, then go back and touch up the shading, applying lighter layers where needed and blending together any rough parts.  The overall colour is a lot more ivory-like than I originally planned, which means I'm going to have to give the gold a slight verdigris wash to make it stand out (and I guess this means it's brass not gold).

Only just on track to finish the Oath, still far too much to do!

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